Onur Dogan

I am a MSc Computer Science & Engineering Student at Sabancı University.

Currently, I am working at the intersection of NLP and Computational Biology, happily supervised by Asst.Prof. Oznur Tastan. My research include Protein Language Models (PLMs), Protein Sequence Models, interpretability in NLP & LLMs, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). My intend is to develop more robust and interpretable machine learning systems to achive fully intelligent systems that goes beyond the data in both NLP and CV domains.

Prior to start pursuing MSc, I was member of Computational Biology Group and lucky to be supervised by Prof. Hilal Kazan. I worked on the development of computational methods for analyzing RNA-seq and scRNA-seq datasets under the supervision of Prof. Hilal Kazan.

Apart from my research positions, I had an amazing chance to work with Can Kavaklioglu as Junior ML Engineer in GrainFox. I also worked in John Snow Labs as Junior Data Scientist and in Turkish Aerospace Industries as Software Engineer Intern.

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Publications and Conference Presentations
SciTuna: Single Cell RNA-seq data integration tool using network alignment
Onur Dogan, Burak Onur Erten, Cesim Erten, Aissa Houdjedj, Hilal Kazan, Yacine Marouf, Mekan Myradov, Oznur Tastan.
  • Under Review
  • Sex-biased Expression of Neuroimmune Guidance Cues in Cardiovascular Diseases
    Yacine Marouf, Onur Dogan, Ernest Diez Benavente, Gerard Pasterkamp, Hester M. den Ruijter, Janine van Gils, Katey Rayner, Hilal Kazan
  • Conference Presentation: Presented at (ERA-CVD’22, Latvia, Sept 19-20, 2022) & (HIBIT’22, Turkey, Oct 20-21, 2022)
  • Harmony in Diversity: Exploring Eclectic Chair Designs Through Deep Neural Networks Analysis in Interior Design Education
    Mehmet Uğur KAHRAMAN*, Süleyman Onur DOGAN*, Sevgi ŞENGÜL AYAN, Yaren ŞEKERCİ, Ferhat KOYUNCU, Hakan Bal
  • Under Review

  • Website template credits to Jon Barron.